Heart of Plenty
Heart of Plenty
“Heart of Plenty” by DJ Hejtmanek is a colorful abstract angel oil painting on 11x14” canvas.
HEART NOTE FROM GOD I have MORE for you, my child! Abundance is your portion. Shun your mentality of lack. Seriously, cast it away from you. Repent and renounce agreement with the spirit of poverty, because it should have no part in you. I desire abundance for you and for all my children. Allow me to change your heart and your mind toward the resources of Heaven. As a child of the Most High King, you are royalty. You deserve the best here and now. Not the success the world offers, but Kingdom plenty. My standards are different than the world’s and my abundance is life-giving. Love of riches will destroy your soul, but I will meet all your needs through my riches in glory. Store up riches in my Kingdom, riches that will not fade, glory that will not fail, and successes that will last throughout eternity. My gold will never lose its value.
“And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 AMP