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DJ Hejtmanek Fine Art



Regular price $175.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $175.00 USD
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“Celebrate” is an abstract oil painting of angels celebrating on 16x20” canvas.

HEART NOTE FROM GOD I am calling you to celebrate, my child. I know that everything is not perfect, nor will it ever be perfect, but celebration is good. Celebrate the wins. Celebrate the good things that happen in your life. There will always be negatives. There will always be troubles, but choose to focus on the good. Celebrate me. Celebrate life. Celebrate milestones. Celebrate provision. Celebrate friendship and family. Never forget to celebrate, for all of heaven rejoices with you. Know this is my heart for you. Learn to live in that holy tension here on earth that balances good with the not-so-good. One day you will live in my kingdom and you will experience complete satisfaction and joy. Look forward to that day but choose to celebrate what’s good and holy NOW.

“Jesus gave them another parable: “There once was a woman who had ten valuable silver coins. When she lost one of them, she swept her entire house, diligently searching every nook and cranny for that one lost coin. When she finally found it, she gathered all her friends and neighbors for a celebration, telling them, ‘Come and celebrate with me! I had lost my precious silver coin, but now I’ve found it.” Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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