Exploring God's Wild Goodness

You are not here by accident... a word, image, revelation, or encouragement await you. Explore a world where out-of-the-box meets wild kingdom, angels roam and creatures great and small speak mysteries. Enter the playground of artist DJ Hejtmanek...



Featured collection

"It's amazing how there's always more in God! As a latecomer to the joy of painting, I'm fascinated by the brush's power to convey truth, wonder, and delight. I want everyone to discover God's wild goodness." - DJ Hejtmanek

Featured Series

1 of 5

On Mining Creative Gold: An Adventure to Our True Selves

How many times have I wondered since 2020 how I couldn’t have known I was an artist?! It feels like such a perfect fit. Are you who God truly designed you to be yet? Dig deeper and ponder this…