Heart Note from God for the Creative Dreamer

Heart Note from God for the Creative Dreamer

OFFERING A HEART NOTE FROM GOD & A POEM with the release of my newest abstract, “Honey Strings.” This is my first neutral palette, though many colors make up the whole.

You’ll know this heart note is for you by your reaction to it. We all may react differently, but you will know… heart pounding, a quiet ping in your spirit, goose bumps, intense joy, or simply a peaceful knowing. The same word can speak to many people. ❤️ I’d love to hear if God is speaking to you. This is how painting started for me… in my dreams.

HEART NOTE FROM GODI want to talk to the one who dreams in flowing colors or hears music while they sleep. Do you dance or paint or draw, write music, poetry, stories, or see cinematic movies while you sleep? Do you CREATE in your dreams? If so, listen!

You ARE an artist, an artisan, a creator.

Your original design is emerging as you dream, leaking into your reality night after night after night after night.

The closer you draw to my throne, the closer you will come to realizing and becoming who you truly are in me. Delight in your design just as I delighted in planting this creativity in your DNA.

Don’t dwell on how to make it work; simply begin to flow in your stream. A RIVER WILL OPEN BEFORE YOU.

My glory is running down holy cords on your creative dreams in this season… like honey flowing from Heaven. Step into the honey flow.


Honey flows like liquid music,

melody and harmony

on amber-spun strings.

Fill me, sweetness of Abba.

Hold my heart in pleasant places

like sun-kissed dew drops

on a summer morn.

Release me to be me, Beautiful One.

Delight me with honeycomb crowns

circling my head

in this land of the living.

Create with me for your glory, honey from Heaven.

—DJ Hejtmanek

“But Jonathan had not heard when his father charged the people with the oath. So he dipped the end of the rod in his hand into a honeycomb and put it to his mouth, and his [weary] eyes brightened.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Honey Strings,” Mixed media/oils, 30x40” gallery-wrapped canvas

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